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Die José Carreras Leukämie-Stiftung will krebserkrankten Kindern helfen

Leukaemia must become curable

José Carreras: "Leukaemia must become curable. Always and for everyone."

Every year, around 2,000 children and youths in Germany come down with cancer, around 700 of them with leukaemia. About 80 per cent of these children survive today - also because of the German José Carreras Leukaemia Foundation. José Carreras campaigns for his aim: "Leukaemia must become curable. Always and for everyone."

You can choose:

Your donation via PayPal


Your donation via credit transfer

Donations account:
United Charity gemeinnützige Stiftungs GmbH
IBAN: DE75 6619 0000 0059 1188 03

Reference: Name of the organisation and your address for the donation receipt